EAI Ceph
Create Patient and Load Images


Create Patient and Load Images

A question? Look here.
How to create a patient
How to create a patient
  1. On the Patients screen, click the "Add First Patient" or "Add New Patient" button.
  2. Begin filling in the new patient details. Fields marked with an * are mandatory.
    • In the "MRN" field, enter the pa
    • tient's Medical Record Number (MRN)
    • In the "First Name" field, enter the patient's first name
    • In the "Last Name" field, enter the patient's last name
    • Click "M" or "F" to select the patient's gender
    • Click the "Date of Birth" field to show the date picker. You can click the dropdown arrow next to the date to browse through the list of years using the "<" and ">" buttons. Select the patient's year, then month, then date of birth
    • In the "Email" field, enter the patient's email address
    • In the "Phone" field, enter the patient's phone number
  3. Click the "Create Patient" button to create the patient record

How to upload Lat Ceph using "browse files" button
How to upload Lat Ceph using 'browse files' button
  1. Select a patient to load their X-ray images.
  2. Click the "BROWSE FILES" or "Browse to choose file" button.
  3. Select the patient's X-ray image in the file browser, then click the "Open" button.
  4. The file will begin loading. A progress bar will be shown and indicate when it has finished uploading.
  5. The image will appear at the top of the image list when it is ready.

How to upload Lat Ceph using "drag and drop"
How to upload Lat Ceph using 'drag and drop'
  1. Select a patient to load their X-ray images.
  2. Drag an image directly from a file browser into "BROWSE FILES" or "Browse to choose a file" section.
  3. The file will begin loading. A progress bar will be shown and indicate when it has finished uploading.
  4. The image will appear at the top of the image list when it is ready.