
Manage Patients

A question? Look here.
How to add a patient?
  1. On the Patients screen, click the "Add First Patient" or "Add New Patient" button.

2. Begin filling in the fields for the patient. Fields marked with an * are mandatory.

  • In the "MRN" field, enter the patient's Medical Record Number (MRN)
  • In the "First Name" field, enter the patient's first name
  • In the "Last Name" field, enter the patient's last name
  • Click "M" or "F" to select the patient's gender
  • Click the "Date of Birth" field to show the date picker. You can click the dropdown arrow next to the date to browse through the list of years using the "<" and ">" buttons. Select the patient's year, then month, then date of birth
  • In the "Email" field, enter the patient's email address
  • In the "Phone" field, enter the patient's phone number

3. Click the "Create Patient" button to create the patient record

4. You can then begin uploading the patient's x-rays, or click the "<" button to go back to the patient list

How do I update the details of an existing patient?

1. On the Patients screen, locate the patient whose details you wish to update from the list on the left.

2. Click the three dots (⋮) next to the patient's name and select "Edit".

3. Modify any of the fields with the updated information.

4. Once you have finished updating the patient's details, click the "Update Patient" button.

How do I search for a patient?

1. On the Patient screen, click the empty space to the right of the magnifying glass at the top of the patient list on the left.

2. Enter the name you would like to search, for example "Brooks".

3. The patient list will filter on your search criteria in real-time as you type, with the search term highlighted.

How do I change the sort order of my patient list?

1. On the Patient screen, click the “Sort Patients” button (depicted as three horizontal lines with a down arrow next to it) at the top of the patient list on the right.

2. On the left side, you can select what you would like to sort your patients by.
3. On the right side, you can choose to sort in either:

  • Ascending (↑) order
  • Descending (↓) order

How do I delete a patient?

1. On the Patients screen, locate the patient you wish to delete from the list on the left.
2. Click the three dots (⋮) next to the patient's name and select "Delete".
3. A notification will appear, asking if you are sure you want to delete the patient record.
4. Enter your password in the "Your Current Password" field, then click the "Delete" button to delete the patient record.